1.Athletes will shoot from a standing position and without support, with one foot on each side of the shooting line. (Removed: …..or with both feet on the shooting line.) – Art. 7.4.4
2.In the Qualification Round the two or three athletes will shoot simultaneously on the same target butt. They will shoot ends of six arrows. (Removed: At the 2 longer distances they will shoot ends of six arrows and at the 2 shorter distances they will shoot ends of three.) - Art.
3.20 seconds is the time allowed for an athlete to shoot one arrow (including tie-break) when shooting alternately in the Olympic and Compound Round matches. (Removed: 30 seconds…...) - Art. (Old Art.
4.10 seconds will be allowed for the athletes to leave and the next designated athlete to occupy the shooting line. ……. (Removed: Twenty (20) seconds will be allowed ……….) - Art. (Old Art.
5.Match Play Chart changes:
No. of archers (128/104) (64/56) (32) (16) (8) (4)
Old Chart 1/64 E. 1/32 E. 1/16 E. 1/8 E. ¼ F. ½ F.
New Chart 1/48 E. 1/24 E. 1/16 E. 1/8 E. ¼ F. ½ F.
In the 1/48 Elim.Rd, & 1/24 Elim.Rd. Athletes ranking from No.1 to No.8 will be byes. The athlete ranking No.9 will be meeting the last ranking athlete (No. 104 or 56).
6.TWO new target faces added:
-The 80cm – 6 ring face (for multiple set-up with score zones 5-10).
-The Hit/Miss target face. (for Compound at 50m Elimination & Final Rounds).
7.Winning by SETS in Olympic Round ( for Recurve only w.i.f. April 1, 2010)
-The Elimination Round, the athletes shoot a series of matches in groups, each match consisting of the best of five sets of three arrows or the best of three sets of six arrows.
-The Final Rounds, each match consisting of the best of five sets of three arrows culminating in the Gold Medal match. At World Archery Championships, the matches will be one after the other (alternate shooting one arrow at a time).
-In TEAM Elimination & Final Rounds scoring arrow values as usual – no change.
8.Winning by SETS in Compound Round (w.i.f. April 1, 2011)
-50m Qualification Round consisting of 72 arrows on the 80cm target face.
-In Individual Elimination Round athletes shoot a series of matches in groups, each match consisting of four sets of three arrows.
-In Individual Finals Round each match consisting of four sets of three arrows culminating in the Medal matches with six sets of three arrows in alternate shooting one arrow at a time.
-In Team Elimination Round the teams shoot simultaneously a series of matches, each match consisting of four sets of three arrows (one per athlete).
-In Team Finals Round each match consisting of four sets of three arrows (one per athlete) culmination in the Medal matches with six sets of three arrows in alternate shooting in three arrow segments.
-The compound Elimination and Final Rounds are shot at 50m on Hit/Miss Target Face.